Victoria Benoit


Victoria Benoit

Victoria Benoit

Teen & Young Adult, Advice & How To, Biographies & Memoirs, General Nonfiction

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  • Member Since

    Jan 2021

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    United States

  • Born

    18 July

  • Profession

    Bestselling Author, Publisher, Mind/Body Repatterning Expert


I’m Victoria Benoit—Mind/Body Repatterning™ expert and Amazon #1 Bestselling Author and Publisher—residing in Phoenix, Arizona. I am a fun-loving, optimistic woman living an extraordinarily rich life, filled with passion, love, and adventure. Along with writing, speaking, and facilitating transformational healing, I enjoy Ballroom, Country, and West Coast Swing dancing; singing; biking; hiking; spending time in nature; and traveling to beaches around the world. My friends and family are especially dear to me no matter what we’re doing. My biggest fan was my Beloved Bernie of ten years, who liberated his soul from his physical body on November 27, 2017.
I grew up in Milwaukee, WI, with my younger brother and two sisters. At 20 years old, I seized an opportunity to move to the big city of Chicago—knowing no one—relying solely on my own sense of adventure. The next 16 years were both routine and eventful. While having a successful career in medical ultrasound and being married and divorced, I began my journey of personal growth and transformation.
In 1989, I decided it was time to move on—from the Windy City to Phoenix, the Valley of the Sun. Shortly after moving, I was forced to change careers due to a physical injury at work. In examining what to do next, I saw that through my work as a neonatal ultrasound technologist, I had experienced my natural ability to provide a space of profound love and compassion for couples in the initial stage of grief over the loss of their baby. I applied this insight to create a new career in supporting people through tough times.
The next step in my journey was to obtain my master’s degree and begin working as a Licensed Professional Counselor. I was quickly frustrated with my clients’ lack of progress using traditional methodologies. I decided to study other approaches to support people in creating lives they loved. This guided me to become a Certified Resonance Repatterning® practitioner and teacher. I then began working part time with private clients, using this process to identify and clear their unconscious patterns. Session after session they reported experiencing extraordinary outcomes in their lives.
Based on my results with private clients, I left traditional counseling completely in 1996, and opened the Center for Extraordinary Outcomes. Along with seeing clients, I taught Resonance Repatterning domestically and internationally for 15 years, I developed workshops, and continued to study and implement additional holistic healing therapies in my practice. Over the years, it became apparent that I needed to stop teaching and start writing to fulfill my desire to impact even more people.
I published my first book, What Would Love Do Right Now? A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life on December 6, 2017, my second book, Three Magical Words for a Magical Life on January 7, 2021, and my third book, No Weeping Widow Here–My True Story on November 24, 2023. All three books reached #1 on Amazon. By offering these books, I believe I am impacting people on a more global scale.
I absolutely love the difference I make in the world! I am committed to helping people live a life they love—one that is overflowing with love, joy, passion, and fulfillment!


Extraordinary Books for an Extraordinary You

Victoria Benoit Books

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